Minecraft Trolling Days

November 24, 2024

In this blog I'll summarize the trolling days of BlueWave80, my old Xbox account that was used for Minecraft Bedrock. Judging from the achievements, things that took place were from 2018-2019 (meaning I was 11-12).


I noticed that there was a tiny handful of Mojang-approved servers that appeared in Minecraft. From what I can recall these were Mineplex, Lifeboat, The Hive, and probably some others that I don't care about but one of these were very important.

Lifeboat had a creative game mode with a neat little mini game where you'd defend a machine from mobs. And before I go on to the trolling I'd say screw Lifeboat for not making a permanent VIP pass. In their creative mode you were not given protection from griefers, which they probably took to their advantage.

But anyway I won't dwell on that since I don't play on servers anymore, I'll go into my first troll.

Diamond's private world

So there was this person I met and friend requested on Lifeboat creative, her username I'll refer to as Hellow. Hellow joined a private server of somebody named Diamond. We were in creative and had a goal of building a roleplay world, guess what happens next!

It's important to note that she gave everyone Operator status, and I first started out by looking at others in the player list and did a demote trick. I quickly demoted them to the standard role and promoted to Operator, this removed their flying ability and made them have to re-add their creative mode.

I don't remember how they reacted but it wasn't as fun as the other thing I did. I took an invisible potion and some TNT and went around exploding buildings, but they caught on quickly. Diamond said they were going to turn something on that would let them see where the invisible players were hiding, likely just something to scare off trolls.

I can't remember what I did but I of course ignored the warning, but this time I blew up my own building. And then I messed up during the last trick. I set everyone to survival mode and got myself a sword and immediately went to get someone. It was Hellow and, unlike the previous shenanigans, this one was known to everyone because of the chat's kill logs.

Lifeboat creative incidents

So on creative I was kind of upset that my creations would get destroyed despite moderators of them being there, so I of course went ham on the touch controls! And they couldn't do anything since we were both regular players in creative.

This got handed back to me, in a way. When I bought their UberVIP thing I claimed a plot of blocks to build a hotel in. The hotel was a tiny bit out of the border and some doofus broke a piece of the wall and placed a sign with "We broke in.", broke in to a few blocks, heh.

Survival Realm

So there was this survival realm that I played on and was regularly getting good in, but then it became a bit harder to find resources. So I went to stealing, and quickly got it handed back to me, as when I joined one time my little area was flooded with lava.

That is all I remember from that little thing except for when I saw a creeper that looked like it was placed as a trap, a horrible one.

Creative Realm

Here is a longer realm story, there was a creative realm where people could free roam and build whatever, a perfect choice for me! I don't remember much but it wasn't long before I started causing hell.

But this one had a weird thing that predated my myriad of Discord alternative accounts. So I was on the verge of being banned and I brought out another account with an purple-shirt Steve skin. My account had a regular blue-shirt and...I think I'll just refer to them by their colors.

Alright time to summarize:

All of my accounts were banned from the realm and the invite code was regenerated. I joined back on yet another alternative gamertag but they said that I was friends with BlueWave80, which was basically my main account for all of this.

Gamertags, accounts, trolling, it's like foreshadowing my trolls that would occur on Discord.