My Teachers

January 11, 2025

In this blog I'll think about how rude (or nice) my teachers were! I thought it would be nice to include real interactions in the blog instead of just internet stuff so here it is.

Tech Apps, 6th grade

The first teacher who I'd look up to! He was a short guy who was in tune with social media at the time which was really cool to me. During free time his class I would play a pirated version of Minecraft that my classmates showed me. I remember his classwork was easy but seeing my assignments on Google Classroom makes me think I just cheese'd the class.

I even tried contacting him with an no avail since he left the school district. But years later my 11th grade math teacher had a little assignment where we would send some generic coloring page to our favorite teacher, and she actually sent it to him! I thought that was pretty cool. If you want to see some of those assignments, check out my School Archive.

English 1, 9th grade

A rough start for high school. Now I wouldn't make her mad since I just do my assignments and stay quiet but I hated how walking you would walk to class you could feel the tension. And if the first sentence didn't give a good impression of how she was, she yelled at my friend for not writing something down because he wasn't listening and she was in a pissy mood.

She wasn't like that at all with me, but that was probably because she was told I had autism, good on her for giving pity, unlike another one. Also the class was full of the bad kids so that is kinda a reason why she was like that.

PRINAAVTC, 10th grade

Rolls off the tongue right? This class went well and I also got to play games during my free times, I played Pac-Man Collection using a GBA emulator and sat next to two goofs who would make a mess and unplug random things. One time they were both grabbing a popcorn cup at the same time and the whole thing spilled, funny.

His class assignments mainly consisted of PhotoShop stuff like replace certain colors, make something look more shiny, etc. This was another computer class I kinda cheese'd on.

World History, 10th grade

I just don't like him or his jokes. He was like the previous one but less justified since his students were generally okay. What they weren't okay with was the constant condescending attitude of his. I particularly despised him because one time he dragged out an argument with a student with a physical disability because he didn't check out a Chromebook. One student also chimed in on that which shows how much the class was not sitting right with him.

One random thing I would remember is his assignments were just, trash. A lot of them were 'make a paper with a drawing and some facts'. He would also make terrible jokes that nobody would laugh at because...they're just terrible, like he was. But anyway he suddenly retired because someone sent an email about how he treated a certain student, to this day I wonder who that was.

And it was me! That day I really didn't like how he treated that student so I sent emails to the principal posing as a concerned parent. Later on another teacher took his place, not the best replacement and I encountered him later on in the 11th grade.

English 3, 11th grade

This was not the one who replaced the other teacher, and I kinda wish he was. He was an asshole for sure, but way out of the other guy's league. He was an odd person in general and was only there because he wanted to complete his 10 years of public teaching so he could do something for his house payments or something, I don't really know what it was or how it worked, but he was on year 8 out of 10.

The class was also full of bad kids which sort of justified the way he acted, but only sort of. I've heard that he acted that way in all of his classes which is just terrible. The guy would also like to just dish out random insults to anyone, except me and the other quiet students. During one of my ARD meetings, he did acknowledge how I was one of the students who worked well despite being in a not-so-well class. That would sound nice if he wasn't so negative all the time.

Government, 12th grade

Sugar coated! She started off this year by saying she was one of the cool teachers and while her class was cool, she did have a short temper with some of the students. Her classwork was something I was surprisingly good at and she had things that involved students bringing food to class to share.

Her class was in the first semester only, so she had the first half of the school year and the other half went to some dude in Economics who wouldn't stop talking even if he didn't have any vocal cords. On the last day of her class we had food and I ate cookies and Dorito's because I didn't like the other stuff.

And that's all, I don't have much else to comment on. Happy 2025!